Despite the comparisons with pokemon, this game its far from being a "Pokeclone". Not only the story and characters are amazing, but the evolving mechanics are not far behind. On top of that, this release has one of the most underated multiplayer modes of the generation, that unfortunely, came in the wrong era. There is hardly anything bad i can say about this game when even the pricing its great. If i had to nitpick a negative its just that the consequenses of being built around handheld hardware of 2011 using and even more limited budget are easy to see in areas like the dungeon design.

The prime example of a weeb filter, if you can get past its aesthetic, you'll get the best modern xeno series story (to the point of fixing some of XC1's biggest missed oportunities) and one of the most interesting combat systems in any J-RPG. Its biggest issues , however, come from pacing and tonal shifts in the early parts of the game and technical issues (specially on handheld mode)

While i do think its a great game on its own right whenever i play it i feel like its story and characters are overshadowed by its previous entries (Xenogears and Saga) and its gameplay got improved by its sequels.

Le pongo 5 estrellas nomas porque estan mis poderosisimos dorados de sinaloa :v