I haven't played too many console shooters before this, definitely not recently, so I really enjoyed seeing how the series is tweaked towards them when it is built with only them in mind. Enemies shoot less often, aim assist allows for less accurate aiming, both rifles and machine guns are viable. All that makes for slower, more methodical approaches, although it can ramp up to faster run-and-gun segments very effectively. Very enjoyable gameflow.

Then you hit the tank missions, those are fantastic. You move between tight and open areas, you control all your weaponry and have to aim the machine gun unlike the other games. These are the most fun missions in the game, and the pace is great thanks to the fact that the tank's health regenerates.

But then, everything comes crashing down starting from the African missions and onward. The checkpoints became incredibly scarce, you'll get a maximum of one checkpoint for most levels going forward, some missions you have to complete in one go. On the highest difficulty (which is hard not veteran in this game) this is just brutal, you can explore and scrounge for healthpacks but sometimes it's just not enough. This is especially annoying when the mounted machine guns come into play, you just can't move past them without taking damage but you have to shoot them down, so just hope and pray you can aim in time before they annihilate your healthbar. From here on out the game becomes largely unsatisfying, with the exception of another fantastic tank level and the final assault on a bridge with healthpacks aplenty.

Had to resort to save states for a lot of the second half of the game to not rip off all my remaining hair, but the tank sections coupled with other select levels are so good that I can't discredit the experience, it was well worth it. Comes recommended on difficulties other than hard, alternatively you can try hard, but there's no reason to feel bad about using save states when going gets too hard.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
