rmored core 2 is powerfully infuriating. I rarely left missions with any ammo remaining in both early and late game. I had to use specific, exact set of tools for certain missions because the game mechanics do not work well with the actual enemy design.

Every single time an enemy AC jumps or dashes, you just lose. You get an extremely short window to lock on, so that automatically makes 80% of the weapons not viable after a little bit. I don't believe you can beat the final boss using anything other than missiles, I tried for hours but I just couldn't do it. Not to mention the arena opponents, the last few I cheesed by forcing the AI to leave the designated battle area and winning by forfeit.

I cannot even begin to describe how infuriating it is to be thrown around like a toy by some of this game's enemies and their weapons, while also turning slower than a pregnant turtle, while also having the turning interrupted by an undodgable enemy shot, while also having an enemy move in hyperspeed behind you and blade you to death!

Was some of this present in the PS1 games? Yes! But it was much more manageable. For the arena, you were provided with a location specifically to counter the jumping fucks, ones with a low ceiling. The boosts would only propel them in one direction, not around you. Why push this system even further? It worked, and now it doesn't.

Are there some cool missions? Absolutely. A bunch of fantastic designs too, the robots have never looked cooler. The final boss looks so good, ohmigoodness. So many cool new parts. But the memories of pure frustration prevail. Moments where I had to stop playing from sheer anger, from the game continously removing my ability to do anything. I don't even rage at games, this is the first in years. The feeling of hopelessness, not knowing what you did wrong, what can you do to fix it, what opportunities you missed. All to be met with "just build this mech, otherwise you won't win." Just bad vibes.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
