The game started pretty strong, with fun visuals, interesting story and great music, but over time it became really stale and pretty boring. I look 2 breaks to finally 'beat' the game.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
- Gameplay;
The combat never really clicked. Most characters felt like a one trick pony and there wasn't much to strategize. Items felt useless and barely any minigames/side activities.

+ Music;
The music there is, is very good. But I really wish there was more. Almost all areas used the same music which is a real shame.

+ Graphics;
The visuals were the first thing that got me interested in the game. It's fun discovering new areas and enemies.

- Story/Characters;
Only sylvando did it for me. All other characters were super boring to me. I really dislike the main character was silent. Especially when that important thing with his family happened and he just doesn't respond with any emotion.

No, I'd recommend others JRPG's over this one.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
