Played this whole game in co-op (like it's supposed to be played). Sometimes I felt too dumb for the challenges and I think we completed some of them the wrong way. I guess it's part of the game, but it sadly didn't always feel satisfying to figure out the puzzles.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+- Gameplay;
I'm mixed about the gameplay. Some solid levels in which it was really fun to solve the puzzle. Other levels were very frustrating, because the game is very precise with certain goals you need to reach. It's a fun game to play in co-op, but be prepared for some arguing.

- Music;
I feel like the game only had 1 song or at least they were all very similar.

+ Graphics;
Fun artstyle I can appreciate. Nothing groundbreaking but special enough to be recognized.

+- Story/Characters;
Didn't include any.

Yes if you want to test your relationship/friendship. It'll show who's the smarter one 😏.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2022
