Log Status






Time Played

13h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 21, 2021

Platforms Played


Adorably cute 2D puzzle game with cats! There are 80 levels, all handcrafted with creative cats.

The game play is straightforward. The controls are easy using a mouse. The puzzles are charming; the difficulty upped the further I progressed. It could have been more difficult for me since I don't play these types of puzzles often.

There is a skip button, which I believe, lets you come back to a puzzle later. I do wish there was a hint button. Maybe it could place a piece in the correct spot to get you started if you're stuck? Some kind of hint since there were levels I spent so much time staring at the same problems.

Cute and challenging puzzle game. Definitely worth the price.