Log Status






Time Played

5h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 22, 2023

Platforms Played


I've heard of this one years ago and it has been on my list for a long time. Finally hit start and I'm not disappointed.

I liked the combination of 2D platformer with RPG battle system. There's a ton of recruitable characters with their own skill trees to level. Some are more useful than others and a couple are extremely similar.

The art style and fairy tale theme is fun. I don't think I was avoiding fights but the final handful of bosses were suddenly difficult. I would be okay in small battles, then destroyed in bigger fights. It took a few tries but thankfully I did not have to level up at the end.

The time length felt good at 5 hours. Any longer and the battles would be too repetitive. I'm glad most of the "platforming" was flying too. More my speed to fly to places than make timed jumps.