I started this one multiple times years ago and never finished it until now. My saved file was at 50 hours and I just..stopped? So my total time playing isn't included.

It's a persona game. Grindy dungeon gameplay, slice of life, and you fuse creatures together to build your party.

Aside from the long, repetitive battle system and dungeon crawling, this game has very little tact about sexual assault. Please skip if that's an uncomfortable topic for you, because the game brings this issue up a lot.

At first, the game does point out the problem with grooming, objectification of women, coercion, and assault. For maybe the first 20 hours of the game. Then it does a 180. The character Ann is a teenager and I cannot count how many times she's objectified in the game. She gets little respect. Even some of the male teammates are disgusting towards her. There are instances where you or someone else (a male character) can response with hearing about assault as "not that big of a deal or it's just part of the industry." Excuse me?!

The FINAL nail on the coffin, you can romance multiple adult women. That's right. The game makes a big deal that teenage girls are being harassed by an older man but then turns around and has adult women romance you, a teenager. What the actual f*ck. I CANNOT take your "message" that grooming and coercion is wrong when you literally back track and say it's okay. I cannot believe this needs to be said, but no adult should be dating a teenager.

It's embarrassing that we STILL need to talk about how women are objectified in video games. I'm not talking about sexy women owning their thing and totally pleased showing off. I'm talking about showing women or girls being sexually "joked" about and their visible response is embarrassed or upset. Stop making people uncomfortable. When I see that, even in a game, I'M uncomfortable too.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
