I have played multiple Persona games but this is my first playthrough of an SMT. What a disappointment; I didn't even finish it after 45 hours. In fact, I'm not so sure I want to try another SMT game.

I went into SMT V with high expectations. The battle system was fun, a bit switched up from Persona. The environments were okay; they weren't bad but could be improved. One map has the worst red filter I can imagine. It makes the entire screen reddish and very difficult to play, let alone find hidden items. Running around, chatting with demons, was amusing. I enjoyed some of the silly requests.

However, it was heartbreaking to see this sloppy, head-scratching story telling from the series that birthed the idea of the Persona games. I know I'm late to the party playing game 5 first but I'm so confused.

You spend maybe 30 minutes in the beginning before a huge dungeon. Then you meet back with your classmates to learn a student you spoke with, one time, needs help. The character was told in the third person. You don't even hold a conversation with them and I'm supposed to care they're in trouble? After 10+ hours, I cared more about the demons on my team than my classmates. I think the worst part is when they would casually drop seemingly important information without ANY explanation. It was incredibly puzzling.

I was dragging through the last 10 hours, hoping for any improvement. When I found out I had more dungeons, my spirit left me. I cannot continue. I also don't understand why you can make "choices" throughout your save, only to get a special final boss? Maybe work towards a secret boss? But there's no story, so why would I play this multiple times... They should have just focused on one path. Better to have one outstanding story than four lame excuses.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
