The story takes inspiration from the Black Plague. You play in 1348 France to hide from Inquisition....and rats. The characters and story are well done. I generally liked everyone in the group, which is pleasant. I love how dark this hit. Gruesome deaths, the anguish of this plague, and the intimidating soldiers. They did very well with the environments and feeling of hopelessness. I'm not a fan of stealth but it wasn't bad once you figure out what the game wanted you to do. The rats were the best part.

Sadly the gameplay didn't feel fleshed out as above. You had a wheel to quickly access your tools. It was easy to misclick and select something else on the wheel. There's an ability with the L stick on the controller and that was sloppy to maneuver.

The auto aim was downright awful. At times, it was a 50/50 chance if Amicia would hit her target. You cannot miss in this game because it's a guaranteed death. When I aim off of the yellow dot (as the game taught me), I expect to hit my target. The last chapter was extremely bad for this. You have to aim quickly and as I said, it didn't work half of the time. After dying 10x times in an area, I honestly wanted to be done with the game. Not a great feeling for something you were enjoying. The auto aim was honestly the worst part.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
