I've tried to get into Morrowind so many times over the years, and it just never sticks. One time I found myself falling in love with it mechanically, gleefully playing with spell construction, but eventually fell away from it when I got tired of being sent across the barren fucking map to deliver a message over and over. I think at this point I should give up and accept that what I'm looking for does not exist in TES before Oblivion. No matter how much I try to wander through Morrowind hoping to find charming little stories like you get in later Bethesda games, I won't find them. In game books are a really nice supplement which I enjoy, but they don't make up for the utter lack of character anywhere in the game world.

Morrowind is loved by TES lore purists and hardcore RPG players alike and while I share many of their preferences, this just doesn't come together into a cohesive whole at all. There's no flavor to the world. Each area feels the same, NPCs are not individuals you can speak to and learn about, etc.

It's a pity, because mechanically I really enjoy what's here. It has this unique way of making the game really difficult to play straight-up, but teasing you with all these different skills and methods of progression that are just asking you to abuse them. It's such a fun sandbox to play around in, I just wish there was any life in it.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2020


3 years ago

"no flavor to the world"
"each area feels the same"
"the utter lack of character anywhere in the game world"
"just wish there was any life in it"


...sincerely, though, i can see coming away feeling like this, but where you see... er, nothing, i see desolation and a broken world with its characters (who do have their own little stories, and you can learn about them) scattered across a landscape carved up by volcanic aftermath. it fills me with a yearning which compels me, and this is the game's real juice. its life is all sighs and whispers in the swirling ash. i like other elder scrolls games, but this is the one for me.

3 years ago

I really respect that, and have tried so hard to see the same. The way people talk about Morrowind is so beautiful to me, but I don't feel any of it during play.