Burying a roguelite deckbuilder into a competitive ccg as its card unlock system is so endlessly brilliant that it just makes me wish it was done everywhere. Can you imagine a Magic-based one? I'd never do anything else. Anyway, this is the best refinement of the traditional tcg into a streamlined online game I've yet seen. It's overflowing with both fresh ideas and subtly different spins on genre staples that make it feel both intimately familiar and endlessly exciting as you take in all the new possibilities.

I've been away from my main pc for a couple months now and so the vast majority of my gaming time has just gone to card games. This and now Marvel Snap have become My Games lately, and I'm having a damn good time. Don't let the League of Legends setting push you away...I'm certainly no fan of that or of anything else Riot has done, but somehow they nailed this one, even down to the monetization being the fairest of any of its competitors. Like, you technically CAN just buy cards, but for the most part you'd be a fool to do so. Just ladder and play path of champions and you'll be building meta decks in no time.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2023
