Finally beat the main game! If I had to put this on the same level as a movie, I'd say it's on par with Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. Just a really charming, funny, absurd experience that I thoroughly enjoyed from beginning to end! I will say I wasn't a fan of some of the repetitive tediousness the game had to offer, but I ended up getting used to it, especially with the help of the fast-forward button to speed things along. The amount of sheer creativity this game's Mii creator has to offer makes me so happy, and I love seeing familiar faces getting into funny scenarios, brought to life with just Miis. I kinda wished I got to play this game sooner, considering I could've gotten it for my last birthday, but then again, I got Undertale on my last birthday, and that ended up being my 2nd favorite video game of all time, so maybe it was for the best to hold it off. Overall, a really great game that I would highly recommend. I mean, what other game are you gonna find that has Bowler Hat Guy, Geno, Undyne, Marnie, and Rodney Copperbottom fighting alongside one another to defeat the Dark Lord Frisk Undertale?

Y'all are gonna kill me for this, but I think I like this more than Smash Ultimate.

Reviewed on May 22, 2022
