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I haven't done the Snowgrave Route yet, and technically I haven't even beaten this chapter yet (I'm at the very end where you're saying goodbye to so many people), but...fuck it, man, 10/10.

When playing Deltarune Chapter 1, I thought it was a pretty solid, yet definitely lacking spin-off of Undertale that, while I enjoyed quite a bit, didn't nearly reach the same highs Undertale did. So, when playing this chapter, I figured it wouldn't be that different, but HOOO BOY was I wrong!

I don't know how, but everything in this game just became perfect all of a sudden! The gameplay was so much smoother and more fun, the characters and writing were so much funnier and endearing, the art direction and animation felt so much more fluid and alive, the soundtrack went from already pretty damn great to the best bangers you've ever heard in your fucking life! And let me go back to that "funnier" part very quickly, because this might honestly be the funniest game I've ever played! Bro, the "we're committing crimes" and "I THOUGHT YOU WERE A GAMER!" lines had me rolling in my seat! I didn't think video games could be this funny, or fun, or just perfect in general! There was not a single part of this chapter that felt tedious or boring or bad, every little bit of this chapter had so much creativity and awesomeness just oozing out of it, it's just so flawless! I don't know how Toby did it, but he managed to take an already great game, and skyrocket its quality through the fucking atmosphere!

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but this might actually be favorite video game of all time! Somehow, this one singular chapter of a soon-to-be fully released game managed to make fall in love with it more than Super Mario RPG, Undertale, and even fucking Minecraft, three games that I've been playing and holding close to my heart for what feels like years. Please, if you haven't somehow picked up this game yet, do so as soon as possible! It's FREE, goddamnit! How are you NOT playing this game right now?!

Just, wow, absolutely phenomenal. Amazing work, as always, Toby.

Also, Berdly is based.

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2022
