While yes, this is probably the best Star Wars game from the last decade, if not ever, but it is still flawed. The game manage to do something amazing that was reignite my passion for SW even if just a little, something that had been out for a while, and I love it for that, but there are things here that make me not love as MUCH as I could've.

The gameplay is nice, a mix of Uncharted and a SoulsBorne, but god there are some heavy gltiches here, sometimes gltiches that made my experience objectivly worse, nothing too abismal but still really bad at times, even at some cutscenes.

Aside from this technical aspect, the story... Well, it's not bad, and I like it for staying away from the main cast of the series, mostly, but at the same time they write themselves at a deadend corner by the end of it, cause it takes place in a moment of this universe where we, the audience, know everything that comes after it, so the writers really didn't have much to do with it, but overall is a nice story, and it has it's really great moments, I haven't played the sequel yet, but I'm excited to see where they go from here.

Overall, this is an possibly amazing game, just a little hidden in some rumble, but a must play specially for SW fans who have been a little distasteful towards the franchise these last years.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2023
