Now this is finally a worthy Tekken entry on the PS2, only took em 3 tries…

Tekken 5 picks up where 4 left off and pretty much tried to fix all of its flaws while filling some empty gaps like the lacklustre roaster and side content.
One of the main highlight of this game is actually one of its worst part, that would be the Devil Jin side mode which plays like a 3D action combat platformer? It’s just an awful mess with terrible controls and unsatisfying gameplay that gatekeep one of the coolest character unlock of the game (obviously Devil Jin).

Other than Devil Within there isn’t much new, the game offers the arcade mode of Tekken 1,2 and 3 for free and that’s such a fun addition which adds so much value to the package, it really reminds me of Smash bros Brawl masterpieces but this time instead of being a useless demo it’s a free game! Talking about free games you probably noticed the cool ass mini game that play when you start the game, it’s actually a game called Star Blade and I’ve honestly never heard of it but it’s really cool how you can unlock a full version of it if you finish the story mode with all characters.
Another addition would be the character customisation, it’s such a fun idea to unlock money by playing the game and then buy some stupid hats and moustache for your characters, in a way it really reminds me of Idolmaster with its own catalog of silly accessories even though the original Idolmaster wasn’t out when Tekken 5 was released.

About the story itself it’s the usual nonsense that we all love, though I have a deep hatred for the final boss that shows up at the end of all campaign, jinhachi is such an annoying boss with annoying quirks it’s not fun to fight him once so 10 + times? No thanks. It really makes me wish Tekken would go the smash way and try to make a full story mode for everyone rather than just make a fake story mode that is just arcade mode in disguise for all characters.

It’s overall a fun time and the most polished game of the franchise so far, I just wish it had more side content or at least more polished content but at least it’s the most quality we’ve seen so far for the main gameplay loop.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024
