This is what Resident Evil would look like on Gameboy Color!

Alone in the Dark is the grandfather of the survival horror genre, and honestly not much else other than being known for its name and having 4 reboots that each failed miserably.

it's not that deep of a game, imagine resident evil 1 but with awful controls, visuals that resemble StarFox, an overflow of useless items with a limited inventory, AWFUL combat, and obviously some cryptic puzzles.
Yeah, yeah I know I'm being harshed and it's pretty damn impressive for 1992, it does hold some historical values and such but this is a website where gamers talk about the games and not artistic and historical values, as a game it sucks and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, I can't even ask for like a remaster because the game is still painfully generic in its story and visuals so you might as well just play resident evil 1.

That's kinda it about this game, it's really short like 5 hours long at best, it's just funny how Resident Evil 1 is still kind of a 1:1 with this game, they both have the puzzles, the manor, and the really annoying final part that change the gameplay and turn into an escape sequence.
Overall a pretty forgettable game outside of historical values and shouldn't have gotten that many reboots, like c'mon by the time I'm writing this there's a new reboot coming! Sometimes you should just let things go and start making something new.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024
