Alone in the Dark

Alone in the Dark

released on Sep 01, 1992

Alone in the Dark

released on Sep 01, 1992

A suspicious suicide. A chilling curse. A malevolent power. Finally, a wicked dark secret. This is Derceto, a legendary Louisiana mansion where, against your better judgment, you're drawn into a world of shadows to explore the darker side of Jeremy Hartwood's imagination. Despite a paralyzing sense of personal danger, your quest for truth drives you to investigate the old house. But, you didn't know that, by entering Derceto, you'll be plunged into the daily nightmare that was Jeremy Hartwood's life. You weren't prepared for the torturous howls that resound from deep within its halls. You didn’t foresee the shadowy corridors that seemingly have no end. You couldn't anticipate the brooding, gloom-filled rooms, the pervasive weight of dread, the heavy sense of evil that gills the atmosphere and the very house itself. Had you known, you might have refused this task. But alas, you accepted, and now you must make your way through this spine-tingling adventure alone... and in the dark.

Also in series

Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
Alone in the Dark 3
Alone in the Dark 3
Alone in the Dark 2
Alone in the Dark 2
Jack in the Dark
Jack in the Dark

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Alone in the Dark is a pretty good investment for anyone who's a fan of survival horror games to look back on and see where we have come from. The game is more difficult than it needs to be with some questionable controls or camera angles, especially during specific sections requiring platforming, or aiming a bow down a hallway to shoot at something (that is also shooting you).
The game does have some fun with its gameplay structure, which I give it credit for. You can skip the enemy encounters in the first room entirely by simply blocking their entrances, there's a room with a healing flask inside but going in risks more harm than the payout, there are books in the library you can read that causes your character to contort and bang their head against the floor (or just float for a second before dying). I'd say the biggest flaw is the trial and error gameplay structure that arises from being a game of its age.

If you know what you are doing, it is a very short experience. If going in blind, a pretty decent older game that you can see spawn a whole genre, just be sure to keep that giant pot of human soup handy for a few rooms down.

Truly a remarkable experience to play a game that inspired a true master piece... Resident Evil. This game in no shape or form is forgiving and will punish you at all cost, but its a great to see how this game wonky controls worked. I used a guide this whole game because it is almost impossible to beat it without one in my opinion or you would probably have to spend hours trying to figure things out yourself. In one section of the game they tried to implement platforming which is god awful which is definitely not needed, but it is a little fun. Its just good to see how Capcom took this game and made it so much better and later on seeing how alone in the dark then resident evil again further down the line in the series.

A game you play for the novelty and/or respect for its impact on the survival horror genre. I wouldn't dare say it holds up because by today's standards this game is desperate to shake you off. Terrible controls, annoying design, and grating sound are the primary detractors. There are still takeaways from the experience and I don't regret it. Still, I'd encourage prospective players to find a way to experience it vicariously.

Review EN/PTBR

The biggest jumpscare I got in this game was a frog's face appearing for 1 second on my screen

It's impossible to say that this is a bad game for its era considering that it was one of the first in survivor horror genre.

If you're not familiar with old games, I highly recommend this game because I went into it thinking it was going to be something frustrating and limited where I would be lost for a while, but when I saw it I ended up beating the game in just 6 hours.


O maior susto que eu tomei nesse jogo foi o rosto do sapo aparecendo por 1 segundo na minha tela e desaparecendo

É impossível dizer que esse é um jogo ruim pra época em vista que ele foi um dos primeiros em quase todos os aspectos que ele se dedica dentro do genêro survivor horror

Se você não tem frescura com jogo antigo recomendo muito esse jogo pois eu entrei pensando que ia ser algo frustrante e limitado aonde eu ficaria perdido por tempos mas quando vi eu acabei zerando o jogo em apenas 6 horas.

Alone in the Dark is the grandfather of all survival horror games. As a huge fan of the genre and the Resident Evil series, playing this game was long overdue, luckily I finished it just in time for the remake. While we're at it, a remake is definitely needed. Not just because of the technical aspects like the bad resolution, awful controls, dozens of useless items which gets annoying 'cause it was combined with limited inventory and the combat is also pretty bad. Once an enemy manages to land a hit, you will be staggered and most of the time you can't do anything against it until you are dead. The steam version also has a few problems for example the window shrinking when you minimize it and the visuals are very pixelated when you maximize the game on a modern monitor. But I always had to laugh when Edward punched a zombies with the loudest SMACK sound effect. I was also pleasantly surprised by the the voice acting. I didn't expect the game have voice acting and it was very well-done. I really appreciated the voice acting because the information in the notes was often necessary to defeat certain monsters and I just hate it when I have to read so much in games. Overall I enjoyed my time with the game, it has a great atmosphere, cool monster design and I see much potential for the remake. But it was really short, at max you probably need around 4-5. I'm glad I finally beat this game because of its historical value and importance to my favorite gaming genre, survival horror.

Games I finished in 2024 ranked

This is what Resident Evil would look like on Gameboy Color!

Alone in the Dark is the grandfather of the survival horror genre, and honestly not much else other than being known for its name and having 4 reboots that each failed miserably.

it's not that deep of a game, imagine resident evil 1 but with awful controls, visuals that resemble StarFox, an overflow of useless items with a limited inventory, AWFUL combat, and obviously some cryptic puzzles.
Yeah, yeah I know I'm being harshed and it's pretty damn impressive for 1992, it does hold some historical values and such but this is a website where gamers talk about the games and not artistic and historical values, as a game it sucks and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, I can't even ask for like a remaster because the game is still painfully generic in its story and visuals so you might as well just play resident evil 1.

That's kinda it about this game, it's really short like 5 hours long at best, it's just funny how Resident Evil 1 is still kind of a 1:1 with this game, they both have the puzzles, the manor, and the really annoying final part that change the gameplay and turn into an escape sequence.
Overall a pretty forgettable game outside of historical values and shouldn't have gotten that many reboots, like c'mon by the time I'm writing this there's a new reboot coming! Sometimes you should just let things go and start making something new.