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Cleared on July 12th, 2023 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 27/160)

Can't say I enjoyed the game, to be honest. My biggest culprit is just the sluggish movement which makes it difficult to avoid attacks. Perhaps it's by design to add to the difficulty, but I've used the rewind feature, and I can feel the hitbox to be off, and sometimes it's not "almost impossible" to avoid, it is just straight up impossible to avoid and some characters are even slower than others.

So you have an array of characters to rescue and choose from. You start with three unnamed heroes. Dude with a gun, girl with a gun, and dude with a spear. Along the way you rescue a couple of heroes each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some will be slow with having excellent range while others are about as fast as the game will let it be but at the cost of being unable to hit airborne enemies. When the hero you choose is unable to clear out any enemies, they can head for the "exit" and you can tag in another hero. Supposedly they act like lives which means you will need to conserve them in order to have an easy time. You either need at least one hero at the exit or to clear out every enemy in the room to advance to the next level.

There are a few good characters, some mediocre, and some too situational. There is this one guy who's special only hits enemies on high ground which is great if that's all that's left, but for ground enemies, yeah he can hit them with his normal attacks, but he is super slow. There's another guy that's similar, but only hits low ground enemies. And just the act of picking the wrong hero in the wrong level can be enough to ensure their defeat. Personally, I think the best character in the game is the gold beard viking with the bow and arrow. He has good range, he has decent damage and movement speed, and just really consistent. The only real case where I'd say he's not that good is the final boss, and to be fair, it's an extremely miserable fight with missiles that just home in on you, but you can barely dodge it because you're turbo slow as hell.

Like all Arcade games, it is designed to just frustrate you and suck away at your coins. Well, it might not have got any of that out of me, but it sure did suck away my brain cells from boredom.