If Post Void was a love letter to late 80's/early 90's anime OVA's.

Seriously, Mullet Mad Jack is great. But if you want to play something both much shorter and much cheaper to see if this is the kind of game for you. Post Void is incredible and I also highly recommend it.

Extended Thoughts

Mullet Mad Jack is a goofy time (good). Just like in Post Void, you are playing an FPS Roguelite where you have to run to the level exit ASAP because your health drops rapidly over time. Once you get to an exit you get to chose one of 3 upgrades you keep for the next couple of rooms.

The biggest difference is in Post Void you keep it for the next couple of rooms because you will then finish the game. Whereas in Mullet Mad Jack you are either playing the Endless Mode, or you have finished a chapter in its much longer Campaign.

So here you are paying for an increase in production value and volume of content. Both in a more traditional story mode, and in gameplay variation. Here you very quickly learn how the game works, get into a flow state, get flow interrupted by the addition of a new mechanic/environmental hazard/enemy, quickly return to flow state, repeat. And just when you think the game is reaching it's limit of what it can switch up, it finishes.

Game feels good, sounds good, looks good and has a campaign that feels like just the right length. My only criticism is the boss fights, that are sadly pretty dull. As boss fights are when the game drops its unique game loop in favour of the pretty stale FPS cliché of 'circle-strafe the bullet sponge'.

All in all, fun ~3-4 hour campaign, can easily see myself playing the Endless mode every once in a while.

I do want to leave this off with a difficulty recommendation, as I did see some people calling the game "dull after a while".

I played the first chapter on Normal difficulty, then restarted and played through the whole campaign on Challenge. Mullet Mad Jack describes these difficulties as:
Normal - "Recommended Start - For Average FPS Players"
Challenge - "The True Experience - Suffer As Intended By The Devs"
I don't know who these "Average FPS Players" are, but they're bad at video games. If you are both abled bodied, and this isn't your first FPS, you can skip Normal and go straight to Challenge.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
