I am really glad I decided to start with this game before delving into the rest of the series. What an interesting experience, very obviously ahead of its time and I can obviously tell why the game was such a success at the time.

This game's lows are very low unfortunately but luckily are few and far between, and the game is consistently quite good for the other 90% of the time. I absolutely love the atmosphere; I felt as uncomfortable as 32-bit graphics could possibly make me and was was quite engaged with the world and progression of the story.

I have mixed feelings about the puzzles in the game but I honestly do quite appreciate them. Rarely do you see puzzles in games today that totally leave it up to the player to piece together, without any hints or anything. I admittedly did have to look up some stuff, but it was extremely satisfying when I was able to figure something out on my own just because of how vague the hints are. Some of them I think are a bit too vague but in most cases there is enough to at least be able to do some trial and error.

There were a few major problems I had, mainly with the fact that there was no failsafe from missing the rifle, yeah it wasn't required to beat the game but it felt like a major blow for the last part of the game to be without it, at least the final boss dies if you run out of ammo but it sucks to be able to miss such a significant item. Also the boss fights in general sucked, particularly Cybil, who might be one of my least favorite fights ever.

Still very impressed with this game, was much better than I was expecting going in and I am glad that I decided to play it instead of going straight to 2.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2022
