Solid entry point for newcomers to the series.
A return to more traditional form after World, but retaining many great additions and quality of life changes from the blockbuster 5th gen opener.

-The wirebug and its associated moves/switch skills are things I likely cannot do without after this game.

-New monsters are great and welcome additions to the roster, hope they are kept in future titles.

-Rampages are fun, but feel a little under-developed.

-Palamutes are fun to use but need the same active skill build depth as the palicos. I miss the prowler mode.

-Title update 2.0 added a handful of monsters that are welcome returns, and added some nice features like layered armor crafting.

The game is great, but it feels slightly lacking at the end of its major update lifecycle. It doesn't hit the same highs previous entries

Looking forward to the G rank version/dlc whenever it happens!

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2021
