Log Status






Time Played

82h 7m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 19, 2023

Platforms Played


After Completing Trails to Azure and getting nearly all achievements (which I will go back for), I can confidently say that this game is an absolute must-play for any JRPG fan. The amount of effort put into this game is truly remarkable, and it shows in every aspect of the game. From the captivating story to the charming characters, from the immersive environment to the stunning art, this game truly has it all.

One thing that stood out to me the most not only in the game but in literally EVERY Trails game is the attention to detail in the game's world-building. The NPCs are so well-developed that it's easy to get lost in conversations with them, and it really feels like you're a part of the world. The side quests are not just fetch quests, they actually add to the lore of the game and flesh out the world even more. The combat system is also incredibly well-done, with a good balance of strategy and action that keeps you engaged and on your toes.

The art style is beautiful, and the attention to detail in the environments is nothing short of impressive. The character designs are also top-notch, with each character having their own unique style and personality that makes them feel like real people.

While the game does have some flaws, they are easily overshadowed by the game's many positives. One criticism is that the game can be a bit slow at times, but this is to be expected from a JRPG. Additionally, some players may find the game's length to be a bit daunting, and of course, the obvious critique of having to play 4 other games before you can truly enjoy this game and all it has to offer. But for those who are willing to invest the time, the payoff is well worth it.

Overall, The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure is one of the best JRPGs I've ever played. It's a game that truly deserves all the praise it's received, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genre.

Please consider playing The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Sky FC, SC, The Third, and Trails from Zero before playing this game as it will significantly enhance your enjoyment and help you understand everything that's going on.