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7 days

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March 10, 2024

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February 23, 2024

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Evening Star's Big Breakaway

It ain't Sonic, but I'll be damned if I don't like it for some of the same reasons. I'm so happy for Evening Star's first release as an independent studio. We've been treated to a truly wonderful 3D platformer that's imbued with a great amount of creativity and passion. Slick movement on par with Mario Odyssey, colourful and quirky characters and stages, AND a totally cute as hell mascot character?!? You spoil me, tysm this is exactly what I wanted from Mania devs and they delivered. Of course the music as well is great as expected from Tee Lopes, lots of variety in the stage themes particularly.

Right now there's pleeeeeenty of bugs and everyone will let you know, but personally, I was hardly bothered by any of it; every now and then I clip through a wall and get setback slightly... alright, no problem! The game is just that damn fun that being made to replay sections was rarely something to get hung up over.

What I am appreciating the most from Penny is how the stages are designed around two distinct playstyles. It is fun to slowly take in the scenery and read silly dialogue, searching for those hidden collectibles, but at the same time you can absolutely blitz through once you get the hang of things.

I have to discuss my love for Penny herself too, she's just such a goober. Such a sick concept to have a platformer mascot use a yoyo, the way all the powerups and moves are animated and tied to this concept: seamless. Every time she danced and did tricks at the end of the stage it would put a little smile on my face. The story barely had me paying attention beyond her funny expressions, and that's all I needed to keep me going really. What can I say, she's just adorable and needs protection.

That would be one of my only complaints, that comparable to Penny, almost all the characters felt pretty bland and uninteresting (but I don't really care!!), it would have just been nice if she had some friends or something y'know, this is totally my Sonic brain speaking. Maybe next time, whether it's a sequel or something different, the next project from the studio will have a bit more scope in that sense. It's not that the story was bad, it went places and tied in with the level themes very well, I just found it not memorable whatsoever. It's all a worthy trade off though, this game is pretty perfect in the places it needs to be.
