Sort of like a blend of the two previous games, acting as more of a direct sequel to 1 and incorporating some of the psychological aspects of horror that 2 had. I don't care too much for how 3 tends to delve into the LORE of the cult and such from the first title, but the horror centered around womanhood and pregnancy is fantastic, horrific imagery reminiscent of period blood and childbirth works very well with the returning rusty nightmare aesthetic of the otherworld. Much like the previous title Silent Hill 3 has aged wonderfully with plenty of moments that made my skin crawl, especially thanks to the amazing sound design with distant noises of doors slamming behind you or footsteps on the floor above you heightening the anxiety of how alone you are. 3 is also without a doubt the prettiest PS2-era game I've played, Team Silent made full use of the hardware at the time and it shows. Gameplay is probably the one area I have any issue with, for some reason, the Silent Hill game that's centered around the vulnerability of being a teenage girl is also the most action-packed one yet. Harry and James certainly didn't have an SMG! QoL changes and new additions to combat like kicking downed enemies are nice, but veer more into a degree of action-horror that I don't think works for the thematic elements of the game. It's not enough to drag down the whole experience though, much like its predecessors SH3 is a great game that is well worth the praise it's garnered over the years, and on that topic, I've always heard rather mixed things about 4 so I'm certainly interested to play that one when I get around to it.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2024
