Played and Finished main story in two sittings, around 10 hours. Not a review, just my thoughts.

Honestly, not a ton to say about this one. Side scrolling Beat em Up with a really fleshed out and polished identity in visuals and tone. Has a case of the Anime, and can guarantee that it will be a turn off if you dislike common anime tropes.

But otherwise had a surprisingly deep and connected story that is supposedly set in a world that is Open Sourced? I haven't looked into it, but you can go look into the SCP world, which is collaborative with tons of authors working on it. The main plot thread isn't anything insane, but I enjoyed the smaller plot threads throughout the game and side quests all feeling like they built a world around me.

That said, the game is extremely text heavy. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but I definitely did not expect just how much of the game would be dialogue compared to the combat segments. I did enjoy the characters and story, so this did not become a problem, but there were points where I found myself checking my phone instead of paying attention.

Combat itself was very fluid, and I particularly liked how the game transitioned from exploration 'mode' to combat 'mode'. It was extremely smooth and felt like I had a lot of room to control and engage with enemies. I think I would have enjoyed more content that was similar to the tournaments held throughout the game.

All in all, I've had this game on my radar for a very long time (maybe a year and a half before it came out) and I'm happy to say that it was worth the time I spent.

As a closing thought, this game is a great example, I think, of how games of high quality can come in all different shapes and sizes. I can think of many people I know who would not give this game a chance due to its nature as an anime indie game (and maybe correctly to for their taste). While, of course, preference is preference and this game's identity is its main selling point, it does make me kind of sad to know that games with this degree of polish and production can be released and not reach the large audiences that may enjoy them. Food for thought, I guess.

This review contains spoilers

(Not really a review as much as it is just my thoughts the day after finishing)

I'm generally not a tremendous fan of card game roguelikes, Inscryption's first act is an extremely easy one to find yourself hooked on. The atmosphere and ability to break up the gameplay loop with puzzles and exploring the cabin aside, the first act's mechanics and pacing are both digestible and seamless. I found myself having trouble putting it down, as it felt so easy to just play the next turn, room, or run.

Acts 2 and 3, while more compelling from a narrative standpoint, lost the qualities that made the first Act so difficult to put down. The additions of a decklist and an overworld by themselves felt like they 'slowed' the games down enough for me to get excited as I neared the end of any given section.

Inscryption, the card game itself, I felt was strong at its core and was enjoyable to play when your deck aligned with your playstyle. The Beasts and Bones mechanics introduced in Act 1 held up throughout the entire game, while the Gem and Circuit mechanics felt cluttered and complicated to me, though in their defense I did not properly spend the time to get comfortable using them. At the time of this 'journal', I have not tried Kaycee's Mod yet, but can genuinely say that the prospect of playing through Act 1 just for the game and mechanics is something I'm very interested in doing! Even after the narrative and shock of the story built around it, Inscryption remains a fun, comfortable, and satisfying card game.

Enjoyed the game and recommend it for the first Act alone!

Chained Echoes started out feeling like a classic, lighthearted jrpg and ended feeling like a classic, introspective jrpg. The most surprising part of the game for me is the high bar of quality it holds for an indie game, where the music, designs, art, and scope of content feel like 'more' than it should be capable of, given that it was made by a single developer.

I ended the story feeling very attached to the main character and without very many questions, which was surprising given how many plot threads were running only a few hours prior. The narrative feels like so much is happening all at once in a world where no one waits for the main characters before acting, but it never felt like it lost focus or that it wasn't on track to its final destination.

The star of the game is definitely the world and exploration though. NPCs, surprise encounters, the enemy designs, the various secrets lying around are all what made the game so enticing for me. I spent the majority of my time running around trying to complete the reward board (which was a great way to add optional content without muddying up the player with side quests) and kept being surprised until the very end of my 39 hour playthrough.

The turn based combat system wasn't anything insane on its own, but the decision to pace the game with regular setpiece encounters really made the difference. Combat very rarely felt like a chore because the only times I felt forced to do it were in encounters that progressed the story or had some other draw that made them feel special. If the world building is the star of the game, the combat encounter pacing is the bread trail that keeps you playing just a littttle bit longer.

All in all, as someone who doesn't have a ton of experience in jrpgs (Pokemon, Persona, Xenoblade, and Fire Emblem mainly), Chained Echoes felt fresh, but also really digestible and quality throughout my entire playthrough. Recommended even if you dislike jrpgs.

$25 makes it a great price too.