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WormGamer finished Stellar Blade
When you throw Nier Automata, Sekiro and Bayonetta all into a melting pot, you wouldn't expect the results to be so bland.

The combat is fun, the level design is decent, the music is incredible and the story is dreadful. There are some interesting tidbits here and there but it just never fully comes together. There is also not a single stand out character throughout the entire journey. Eve herself is just entirely forgettable. The combat feels pretty good though. I enjoyed the parry and blink systems and exploring the world was satisfying. I just wish the two open zones weren't just huge deserts that feel a little too identical to Nier's.

In terms of the "controversy" surrounding the game - it's definitely over-blown and ridiculous but because EVE just has zero character - it does feel like you're playing dress up with a doll when it comes to the costumes. I felt a little slimy about it all. Bayonetta feels like a fleshed out character, someone who uses their sexuality as part of their dominance over her counterparts. Whereas Eve is just standing there saying shit like "We must defend Humanity", or "We will accomplish our mission for Mother Sphere" all while wearing lingerie - it just feels cheap. But the sheer outrage over it is equally embarrassing.

Stellar Blade has all the ingredients to make a great meal but someone forgot the seasoning, resulting in a totally acceptable but dull experience.

11 days ago

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