i get it now, why nintendo cancels it: they were afraid of this game: this really short and clanky games afraid nintendo, because this is one of the most original games of the entire snes lineup: the team mechanic change and instead, you choose between 2 of the 6 member of you team to play as, and if your first member die, you play the second one, plus, all of the member have unic stats, who make this mechanic even more orginal and exciting. you can also turn into a sort of vehicule now in all the terrestrial level, which is impressive as hell for the snes, even tho i find it not as usefull thats the spaceship (i only use it for the new switch mechanic, but i find this one kind of meh) my favorite part of this games is by far corneria, who is attack in real time, even if you are playing a other stage, and you have to stop all the boss, missile or fighter who attack the planet, or else, game over. in the end, this game is really impressive, has great (and sometime not so great) mechanic, and is overall very entertaining: so much shit happen at the exact time

my problem with the first one are still valid tho

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2021
