This game is honestly kinda odd, because it has at the same time some amazing aspect, that managed to stood the test of time, coupled with elements that clearly show their ages, making this one kind of a slog to get throught a Time

Like, something that will never be praised enough with this game is the world and exploration that come with it: the world IS amazingly well design, especially for its time : It's not a gigantic world, sure, but it didnt have to be : in fact, the smaller scale world invite you to go back at the same area multiple with better equipment to discover new secret that were previously unreachable. Plus, I love exploring hyrule here: the really good soundtrack, the pleasing visual, the little quest you can take part of, the wonderful world design...all of that coupled with the great moveset and a very detailled map, who make perfect use of the mod 7, make this game a joy to travers

Not only that, but this game features two entire world to explore ! And the introduction of that second world is perfect: just when you think you are about to beat the last dungeon, you gain access to a mirror, who grant you access to a alternate reality, a more demonic version of the main world, where evil seemingly took over the entire world. The first time you get there, you only have access at a small portion of the alternate mountain, making you wonder and excited about the rest of this second world...once you go back to the normal World, you beat the third dungeon, the 7 princess ask you to free them from the 7 dungeon in the alternate, and you will have full access on the alternate world afterward (even thought you also need to break free from the rabbit form you have in the alternate world at first)

And thats after that point that the game truly show some weakness : and the big one is that...this game never give you any clue ! Indeed, sometimes, you will have to gain some item, or have to do a special action to continue on the game, but the problem is, for 3/4 of the time, the game doesnt help you at all about what to do, and will let you struggle like a idiot, and honestly, it's not fun, because , half the time, when you finally understand how to go throught a certain section, you just think to yourself : "what the actual hell?" So yeah, more often than not, the game just refuse to give you indication, and not in a good way like elden ring (unfair comparaison i know), making it less fun that it could have been

Also, i hate how the game seemed to give you a choice on which order you can take the 7 dungeon, but for the most part, you need to follow the order to gain item who are located in previous dungeon. And honestly ? If you combine this with the not so great dungeon design in this part of the game, and the very mixed bag boss quality, it make the second part of the game as a whole not as fun as it could have been

Anyway, the first part of this game is amazing, and make you excited for the rest of it, the second part is a slight let down for me

Thought, if we need to remember something, is how important this game is for gaming as a whole, introducing various element for the open world genre of game, that are still used to this day, for how amazing and revolutionary they were

Reviewed on May 02, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

i feel very similar towards this game. i loved the light world but the dark world made me wanna forget about everything