Deadly Premonition
This is a game i would recommend but NOT on steam if you're looking for a stable port

Deadly Premonition is a game i first picked up back in college for the Xbox 360. I asked a staff member if they'd recommend any games on a certain shelf (cheapish) and Deadly Premonition was the first one
On the 360 i loved the game, it took me a few hours to really get into it but once the story started coming together i was really enjoying the game and wanted more.
I figured out pretty well who the killer was before the ending of the game although the last few chapters did mislead me and make me question my prediction

So, this port the main issue's are the game crashes, the game will randomly at any point shut itself down and leave you feeling like a virgin being stood up
i have had numerous crashes so far, there are some help guides online which i've used and running the DPlauncher as admin helped a bit but the crashes are still happening. It's a shame as this game is really good and underrated. If you play this be sure to safe extremely often as you might find yourself having to repeat any story from your last save.

As for controls i couldn't find a way to get the controller to work even though it says controller is supported but i'm happy using Mouse/KB so no loss for me. Shooting is a little clunky but free roam with a mouse is better and is near enough the same as the 360 version and easy to use. The weapons you get are multiple blunt/sharp objects and firearms which are good to switch into on different enemies

Driving is still as clunky as the 360 version, you kind of get used to it after a while but i find myself flipping more cars than i did when working in fast food, you can have your own car and different police cars and using the sirens to go faster

I'm not sure if it's me but the colour seems to be very bland in comparison to the xbox version but that could be bad memory, it doesn't effect gameplay or cutscenes though

Graphics are dated but i've seen worse, there is the odd graphical glitch ere or there like a coat becoming intertwined with other clothing but again, nothing game breaking

I know it may seem weird that i recommend the game but if you can stop the game crashing it's a great game, with a cool story, side quests to keep you busy, collectables to find and even fishing and races

One of my favourite things from Deadly Premonition though is definitely the unique soundtrack, it's a drawing point as i've not heard a soundtrack like it before but i love it.
Plenty of backstory for characters main and side and constant convo's with Zack to keep you in the loop of what's happening

So, main story (no spoilers) You come to a small town in the middle of nowhere, there has been a murder and its' your job to solve it, the game does this very interestingly and makes each place unique with you finding clues in each locations giving you more and more leads, but with public getting in the way, who's the murderer?!

Great game, Fun story, easy combat, let down by bad stability in the port
Don't let yourself go without playing this!

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2022


The Switch or GOG version is way better. The Steam version is the worst by a mile.
Completely agree and i've not even played the Switch or GOG version haha Did find some settings which made it so it didn't crash so much but yeah, it's not reliable at all.