A really fun Mario game
I'm not a huge fan of Mario games. But this was fun.
A lot of personality (and i got to play as daisy)
the abilities added a lot of options, and the 5 star levels were really great.

things I didnt like how ever:
- Multiplayer didnt have player collision and picking up, that was a big fun aspect of the NewSoup games.
- the final boss was a big flop imo, and the fact there were only 4 levels in the "final" world. Me and my friends really thought there were was gonna be more.
- a lot levels felt very, mario maker, I understand that has been a thing in 2D mario for a while. but like, come on.
- yoshi's + nabbit are easy mode, instead of easy mode being a toggle option.
- Prince Florian interrupts the flow of gameplay WAY too much.
- (this one is a very very small gripe) wish there was a bigger reward for 100%ing like multi-badges.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2023
