1 review liked by Xenimus

For what it is worth, I actually played a PC source port of Duke 64, not the actual N64 version, but most of these points still stand.

Duke 64 is a weird one - stripped of its, err, strippers and with all of the bad language changed for something less offensive to the owners of Nintendo's console but with a baffling increase in detail in all of the incidents of violence throughout the game - you'd think that perhaps this would be where Duke Nukem 3D gets shown up a bit. Like a lot of controversial titles, remove what makes them a bit edgy and then see what you have left - the answer is usually very little of worth.

So the porn store becomes a gun shop (!) and the strip club becomes some boring truck loading bay and Duke Nukem 3D remains a brilliant, hugely inventive shooter, with a few simple changes to the N64 version that actually make things interesting for veterans of the game.

For instance, the arsenal of weapons has been modified, the most obvious example of this is the RPG on level one being replaced by a grenade launcher. No more direct hit missiles to fire around, you've got 'nades that bounce around all over the place before they explode, meaning you can no longer take out some trip mines early instead of having to figure out how to get around them and early encounters with Octobrains are no longer a breeze, unless you're comfortable with lobbing grenades around in close quarters.

Again, a small change but one that offers a bit of a game rebalance. Doesn't really affect the difficulty but just makes things different enough to warrant playing even if you're a Duke 3D expert. That's the main vibe from Duke 64 - its different, not better, but the differences are smart, interesting and worthy of your time whether you're playing this as your first proper play of Duke 3D (which for me, it was!) or you're extremely au fait with the PC release and looking for a change of pace (which is me now).