What the fuck. This game is incredible. Why does no one talk about this? Oh my gosh. I would put it up there alongside games like Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania: Rondo of Blood as being one of the absolute greatest action-platformers I've ever played in my life. Great balance between challenging platforming, methodically-paced combat, and boss fights that demand both a mastery of the mechanics, as well as the patience to learn their attack patterns. It's a disservice that more people don't talk about this one.

I 1CCed this game. mwehe

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023


6 months ago

"Why does no one talk about this?"

My guess is... Saturn. Unfortunately almost no games for it are known or talked about nowadays.

I guess the only exceptions are Nights, Sonic and Panzer Dragon?

6 months ago

Yeah, the fact it's a Saturn game, as well as a 2D game with pre-rendered live actors as sprites, all probably deter most people from either discovering it, or giving it a chance. It's a real shame. I hope it can get a rerelease of some kind one day, so that more people are able to try it.