Never have I felt such density and complexity with a characters movement since Super Mario 64. The player has such a wide variety of tricks and maneuvers simply traversing the areas in Pseudoregalia is fun, and being an OSNAP certainly supports that. The lack of a map can make things a bit confusing, but honestly its not that necessary. The only real qualm I have with this game is the combat. There are attacks of course, but it feels like the focus was more on the movement and platforming than fighting enemies. Which, of course is what's best about the game, but some enemy variety wouldn't hurt either. There are only two real "bosses" in the game, and if feels like the game should have more, especially in this ONE SPECIFIC AREA and when you get to it you will think the same thing. Other than that, the game is short and super sweet, with great art style, music and atompsphere.
Side note, our main character is obviously designed with the creators...tastes in mind, which I 100% rock with. I believe more devs should take note of what Pseudoregalia does not just in terms of engaging 3D exploration, but also learn that it is possible to have your main character be a bad bitch and make the game good.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023
