There is alot that can be said about Genshin: Impact. It is a deeply flawed game that developers should learn from.

In terms of its faults is the Gacha System. brutally unfair and designed to steal your money so you can just get character, or their signature weapon.

However despite the Gacha system there is many positives.

The story has really really high points that are engaging to a continuously building narrative. As of the writing of this review the most recent region, Fontaine, has an intriguing story that involves a murder mystery and some satisfying Pheonix Wright logical deduction. And it's ending is grand, tragic, and climatic. If nothing else the main story of Genshin Impact is worth interacting with, as long as you can get passed the extremely Drole first region. The full story content in Genshin only involves around 40 hours as of right now without any other distractions.

The exploration is another extremely fun and rewarding part of Genshin. As you fly throughout it's world there is usually always a micro puzzle to solve, or some enemies to quickly defeat. None of it is mandatory but I cannot help myself stopping to open just one more chest while enroute to my destination.

The music is wonderful and lush, if nothing else, even if you avoid playing the Game. listen to the soundtrack you won't be disappointed