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Xypren finished Pac Pack
A game pack that i played WAAAAY back in my childhood. Most of the games are SHORT with Pac-Guy 2, Part 3: Pacula's Curse being the longest and highest production value (still pretty low quality though) of them all.

2 games are basically the same (Pac-Guy & Pac-Guy: Ressurected) but the latter having some remastered graphics and with the Pac-Guy graphic that all other games use and the final boss that lacked the original game. You also have Pac-Guy Scramble, which has story-telling (not so good though) but uses the levels from various Pac-Guy games slightly arranged. I think for me that one was the hardest to go through as i already played these levels 2 times already and the slight re-arranging didn't help.

Pac-Gal had potential, but only had 3 to 4 levels. Pixel-Guy felt like someone had an idea and made a tiny (as in size and lenght) game of it.

Do i recommend this? No. I only played it due to the nostalgic value. Each of every game (besides Pixel-Guy) had twichty moving enemies that just bounce of walls in corners most of the time for more than a few seconds. Fire-ing is risky sometimes due to tight corners and you need to fire very quick to survice.
Not to mention, the Pac-Guy games (also Pac-Guy 2, Part 3: Pacula's Curse), the enemy bounces off open paths at the edge so some enemies are trapped in a small area and you need to time correctly to enter that section of the level to kill the enemy. I lost many of lives due to this on some levels.
And sometimes you wasted your shorts and the only option is to wait for the enemy to go away from where the points are (which can take A LONG TIME) or to suicide and replay the previous level (which is for every game except Pac-Guy 2, Part 3: Pacula's Curse). Not fun. The story is forgettable while it directs which levels you get, i don't think it's important to remember. I do appreciate it tries to build a universte though with what is has.

So yeah. It's nostalgic, but not something to go back 24 years later. NOT WORTH IT!

1 day ago

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