Would be a 2-star at most without save states, also Mario bangs Daisy in this one?!

Generally a fun game, with mostly decent level design. Short enough to the point where it doesn't overstay it's welcome or becomes too frustrating. But being a gameboy title following the 'arcade approach' takes away a large chunk of my goodwill towards it (AKA deleting all your progress if you go game over to artificially extend the time it takes to beat it). Also the final boss having a fun second stage pleasantly surprised me.

Also world 4 has some strange vibes; why are we fighting actual human beings in what can only be described as a chinese-themed level? There are no other humans we fight in the game so it really sticks out.
[UPDATE: having done some more research it seems they are supposed to be 'Pionpi': Zombie-like creatures from Chinese folklore. Vibes are improved.]

Not sure if I would recommend playing through the game in 2022+ outside of a general interest in older games or being a huge Mario fan but I enjoyed my time with it (thanks to save states.)

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2022
