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I'm not really into free to play/mobile games e.t.c, but when I heard that Genshin Impact is a role playing game inspired by Breath of the Wild, without pay to win microtransactions, it caught my attention.
I can't share my thoughts for the story because it's not complete yet but it's quite intriguing so far.
The gameplay is pretty good. It looks cool, it feels satisfying and it plays well.
The world is arguably the best part of the game, it's fun and rewarding to explore this massive world filled with content and unique areas.
It's quite impressive how this game has more content than most full-priced titles out there, even if the quest design is quite repetitious.
Also, the art style is quite beautiful.
Unfortunately though, there are some things that bothered me a bit.
There's not enough enemy variety, grinding to level up the Adventure Rank in order to progress is tedious after a while, and I hope the developers will add mounts in the game someday because the traversal feels slow at times.
The microtransactions were an after-thought for the most part, but more characters should've been for free.

+ Good gameplay
+ Very fun exploration
+ Huge world filled with content
+ Great art style
+ Co-op

- Not enough enemy variety and repetitive quest design
- Grinding and monetization
- Slow traversal

Narrative: ?/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 8/10
Music: ?/10
Art Style: 8/10

Final Rating: 7.5/10
- Very Good -
Genshin Impact is one of the better free-to-play games I've played, however, I hope the developers won't get lazy in the future because this game has a ton of potential.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, it's fun and for free.