After playing Persona 5, I was looking for another JRPG that would deliver such an amazing experience, so I decided to play NieR: Automata.
First of all, the story of this game is divided to 3 Routes (playthroughs). Route A is only the first half of the story, Route B is the same plot from different prespective and it has additional gameplay elements, and Route C/D is the second half of the story. The first 2 Routes are great, but story-wise they can't stand on their own, however, Route C/D is were NieR: Automata's narrative potential truly shines! Thanks to NieR: Automata's absolute masterclass of a game design, the story is literally uunbelievable; it blew my mind and exceeded my expectations so many times, I'm still thinking about it.
Overall, NieR: Automata's narrative is one the best I've witnessed in any videogame, period.
The gameplay is great too; it mainly plays like a 3D hack 'n' slash game, but there are shoot em up, 2D platforming and bullet hell sequences as well. That's straight up impressive.
I got to say though, the hacking mechanic makes the gameplay slightly tedious at times.
The characters - particularly the main characters - are engaging enough and well-developed.
The soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard in a videogame and the audio design is genius at times.
Lastly, the boss fights are quite decent, although they lack challenge for the most part.
NieR: Automata isn't flawless though; the visuals are somewhat outdated and the side-quests are mostly dull.

+ Excellent narrative
+ Fluid and enjoyable gameplay
+ Compelling main characters
+ Godlike music
+ Masterclass game design

- The visuals are a bit outdated
- Weak side-quests

Narrative: 10/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 7/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
NieR: Automata, while not flawless, is a videogame that is able to showcase the power of the medium, it's one of the most important videogames I've ever played and arguably one of my favorite videogames of all time.

Do I recommend it?:
Everyone should play this game! NieR: Automata is a must-play, period.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
