After 100 hours of playtime, I can finally share my thoughts on my first The Legend of Zelda game.
First of all, Breath of the Wild's story and characters, while interesting, they aren't an important part of the game; Nintendo promised to make Breath of the Wild an Open World game and... let's just say they went above and beyond.
Seriously, Breath of the Wild's open world is groundbreaking; from its unparalleled sense of exploration and complete player freedom, to the excessive amount of cool mechanics, the ability to go/climb anywhere you want, insane attention to detail and logic, it makes you think outside of the game so much and it treats you like an intelligent person.
Whenever I play this game, there are so many times where I say to myself "oh, they thought of this too" or "I wonder if this is gonna work", and the answer is yes. Also, the fact that you literally start with nothing but a tree branch in your hand shows how strong this game's mechanics and sense of progression are.
I've never had as much fun experimenting with a game's mechanics as in this game.
Aside from the all these elements, Breath of the Wild features creative puzzle-oriented dungeons that let players utilize their mind and the game's mechanics to the maximum + a fun combat system.
All in all, Breath of the Wild is addictive; it's really hard to put the controller down.
Lastly, the visuals are breathtaking, the audio is simply genius and the music is so beautiful!
Now, if there's one thing that bothered me in the game, is the poor enemy variety, especially for a game of that size.

+ Revolutionary Open World
+ Outstanding mechanics
+ Unique & smart puzzles
+ Addictive gameplay
+ Gorgeous visuals & audio

- Enemy variety

Narrative: 4/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: 10/10
Characters: 5/10
Music: 9/10
Art Style: 10/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a revolutionary masterpiece, it's the most enjoyable Open World game I've ever played and without a doubt, one of the best videogames ever made.

Do I recommend it?:
It's worth buying a Switch just for this game.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
