What is there to say about Final Fantasy VII? The legendary JRPG that popularized console RPGs worldwide.
Coming from Final Fantasy VII Remake, I already knew Final Fantasy VII was going to be something special, and I was right.
The story of Final Fantasy VII is absolutely fantastic even to this day, filled with so many powerful moments. It's honestly one of the most intriguing stories in an RPG and it made me even more excited for the future of the Remake.
The gameplay is surprisingly... enjoyable? I mean, it feels a little bit clunky for sure, but it's actually addictive, it works very well and it aged much better than many other Final Fantasy games.
The characters overall are very good, although I wish the optional characters (Yuffie and Vincent) were mandatory instead. The Remake improved upon the initial characters significantly and I hope it will improve upon Yuffie and Vincent in the next parts as well.
The music is awesome and very iconic; I appreciated it even more as someone who came from the Remake.
Also, the materia system is mostly similar to the Remake's and I still love it.
Lastly, some of the visuals - like the character models outside of combat and CGI cutscenes - didn't age well but they're charming nonetheless.
Unfortunately though, the game has many mandatory mini-games/puzzles and most of them are either pointless or uninteresting.

+ Fascinating story
+ Addictive gameplay
+ Great characters
+ Incredible music

- Mandatory mini-games/puzzles
- Outdated visuals and minor elements

Narrative: 10/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 9/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
Put simply, more than 2 decades after its initial release, Final Fantasy VII is still one of the best RPGs of all time and one of the best videogames ever made.

Do I recommend it?:
Of course! It's a must-play for RPG fans, maybe even for everyone.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
