I'm gonna admit it, I used to be one of those who watched a playthrough of this game and thought it was a disappointing sequel to The Last of Us. The reason why I finally decided to play this game is because I wanted to like it.
The story of The Last of Us Part II is... misunderstood; it really isn't just "another generic revenge story", it's a multi-dimensional story about empathy, obsession, acceptance and forgiveness.
If I had to describe the story of The Last of Us Part II in three words, it would be shocking, bold and powerful.
The characters feel like real people instead of fictional characters, and that's impressive.
The gameplay is awesome; everything works perfectly, especially the stealth mechanics.
The music is amazing and it feels like it's a part of the narrative.
The visuals, the audio design, the animations, the environments and the atmosphere are the best I've seen in any videogame.
Also, the details and the accessibility options are astonishing to say the least.
Unfortunately, the pacing of the story feels slightly dragged out at times, which is my only complaint about the game.
So, why is The Last of Us Part II so controversial then? Well, to be honest... I don't know.
The Last of Us Part II is a very faithful sequel that makes the first game even more meaningful and complete than it already was.

+ Outstanding narrative
+ Excellent gameplay
+ Fantastic main characters
+ Superb visuals and audio
+ Details & accessibility options

- Minor pacing issues

Narrative: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 9/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
It's all about understanding The Last of Us Part II and its vision.
In my opinion, The Last of Us Part II is the perfect sequel; it's just a bigger and better game than The Last of Us.
All in all, The Last of Us Part II is Naughty Dog's masterpiece and one of the best videogames I've ever played.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes; I recommend it even to those who watched a playthrough of the game and got disappointed.
Just please, be open-minded.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024


4 months ago

other than only 8/10 for characters which are the best aspect of the game very based review

3 months ago

I hated this game at launch, but I will give it another chance after reading your review. Thanks.