As someone who played BioShock Infinite few years ago and fell in love with its world and concept, I was very interested to get into the game that started it all and delve into Rapture.
After finishing my playthrough of BioShock though, what do I think of Rapture; it's honestly one of my favorite places in videogame, ever, and it has some of the best world building, atmosphere and history I've ever seen. It's undoubtedly the highlight of the game alongside the story; it's absolutely incredible, and all its philosophical and profound elements are done masterfully. BioShock is honestly one of the most profound videogames I've ever played, hands down, and it doesn't even have an inch of pretentiousness, at all.
The characters are good too, especially the primary antagonist of the game, but they mostly exist to serve the story and its philosophical themes.
Same goes for the gameplay; it's enjoyable enough to serve the story for at least 1 playthrough.
Unfortunately though, it feels a bit clunky and dated, but adjusting the sensitivity almost entirely fixes that issue.
Also, interestingly enough, BioShock actually managed to sour my taste of BioShock Infinite a little bit, and that's because of several reasons, like the 2 weapon limit, the linear level design, the unnecessarily complicated story, the streamlined gameplay elements and the lack of proper saving system. BioShock Infinite is still a great game though, it just feels like an overglorified spin-off instead of a mainline installment, and not masterfully executed like the first BioShock.

+ Outstanding world building and design
+ Excellent story
+ Nice characters
+ Fun gameplay

- Clunky handling

Narrative: 10/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 8/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
BioShock is one of the most profound videogames of the past 3 generations, a work of art in every sense of the phrase and a narrative masterpiece for the videogame medium.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, absolutely. The gameplay can feel slightly outdated, sure, but adjusting the sensitivity can make it enjoyable.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
