Even though I found Resident Evil Village to be a heavily flawed game, I was actually quite interested in playing more Resident Evil games. Unfortunately, Resident Evil 7: biohazard's strong emphasis on horror didn't interest me much, so I decided to play Resident Evil 2.
Anyway, so, I wasn't expecting a good story from Resident Evil 2 and I didn't really get a good story; it's not bad, in fact, it managed to surprise me at times but it's just not necessarily good either. It's definitely not an important part of the game though, so it didn't affect my thoughts on the game overall.
The characters are decent; Claire is great, Leon is cool, Ada is fine and the side-characters are okay, even if most of them are not memorable.
The gameplay is absolutely amazing though! It's so much fun to play, it's genuinely hard to put the controller down because the survival horror elements are executed so incredibly well and the shooting mechanics feel extremely satisfying.
The atmosphere and the representation are perfect, and they're accompanied by breathtaking graphics and audio, and outstanding level design. These are some of the most important parts in a survival horror game for me and Resident Evil 2 excels in every single one of them.
Also, the boss fights are surprisingly exciting and interesting, albeit not very well designed for the most part.
I feel like the only serious complaint I have about the game is how the second run feels very similar to the first run and its implementation messes up the backtracking in some instances, but it's not a big deal.

+ Addictive gameplay
+ Excellent survival horror elements
+ Gorgeous visuals and audio
+ Awesome level design

- The addition of the second run isn't executed very well

Narrative: 4/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 6/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
- Outstanding -
Resident Evil 2 is a masterful survival horror game and an excellent videogame in general, simple as that.

Do I recommend it?:
Must-play if you enjoy playing survival horror games, still highly recommended for everyone else because it's so much fun to play.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
