RE2make is a good, GOOD game and an excellent remake of the 1998 classic. the third person perspective is welcomed and works very well, the FOV isn't too high (especially while aiming) making it quite tense when in fights or walking down a corridor. the third person perspective also makes missing shots more impactful because if you miss a shot it's completely on you, adding more pressure onto conserving resources. level design is phenomenal, I actually like it quite a lot more than the original since the hallways arent as cramped but still as claustrophobic and maneuvering around to avoid enemies wasn't too easy and was the right amount of difficulty. which leads to Mr. X, he is TERRIFYING. unlike the original, Mr. X is a constant threat that relentlessly hunts you down. in the original, he was a scripted encounter every single time. in the remake, he is a scouting hunk of death that only has some scripted events making the player heavily consider if shooting a zombie is worth it to have Mr. X come to your area. what's better too is that Mr. X comes into the picture at the best time, right when you've experienced enough of the police station and gameplay. presentation-wise, RE2 remake is one of the best looking games I've ever seen. The lighting, the textures, the shadows, god it's all so beautiful and dreadful at the same time. the soundtrack and audio design is also wonderful, adding more to the atmosphere and the great 3D audio helps you get an idea of any threats ahead of you or where Mr. X could be. My biggest gripe with this game is probably its length. It might be a me problem but this game is LONG. It took me 7 hours for a Leon A playthrough and on my Claire B playthrough I just reached the underground lab at around maybe 6 hours. i liked the shorter campaigns of the original because that adds a lot to the replayability. after my claire b playthrough, I'm not so confident if I'll do a Claire A/Leon B playthrough and might just finally start playing RE3. Maybe it's because I've played the original already that I might be having some sort of fatigue with the stories, idk. It could also be a lot of hiding from Mr. X, there's a decent amount of reasons I can think of as to why the game is longer or at least feels longer. the ghost survivors mode is a bit fun, though in my experience the one that claims to be the easiest was considerably harder than the one rated second hardest. [EDIT: after finishing Claire's campaign, I did some googling and found out there arent Claire A/B or Leon A/B campaigns in RE2make, from what i understood capcom simplified into just two separate campaigns similar to Resident Evil 1 Remake. This change is now actually not that bad of a problem to me now knowing that I had partaken in the full intended experience rather than having to play 4 separate campaigns. having it as just two campaigns also really make the story able to develop and have character relationships grow properly.] RE2 remake's story is fairly faithful to the original with the addition and changes of some characters and events. Personally, I welcome most of these changes and don't really have a problem at all.

overall, RE2 remake does just enough for me to like it more than the original while also retaining many things that made RE2 (1998) so good. recommended to RE fans and anybody that likes horror games.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2022
