yume nikki is the most abstract game ive played. this game is what id call avant-garde and i hate being this type of person but this really is an experience. this game is a walking sim, no getting around that, but the environments are amazingly surreal. the soundtrack combined with the visuals has probably evoked the most chills from me than any other game. skin shivers from different horrors, goosebumps from the wonderfully dreamy score, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood during some events. the art is equally as surreal as the music and i really cant stress how cool the designs are. there are so many allusions and symbols that theres an unbelievable amount of things to interpret. as much as i love exploring, the game is genuinely cryptic and does not tell you anything. i love this but also find it grueling. from what i understand, you either complete this game or you dont. theres a reason for that: you have to find every item in the game to get the ending. i feel like i wouldve never found some items and still wont find some without the help of a guide or friend (which ive already done a bit). regardless, the game is still very unique and anybody that's a fan of rpgmaker games or earthbound inspired rpgs should definitely try this out. yume nikki isn't going to hook every person into its worlds, but it'll definitely be a memorable experience.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2022
