completed my first cycle of guilt and now i want to hurt whoever thought infinitely spawning enemies behind the player was a good idea

what an insane developer glow up, very excited for their robocop game. the sound effects, music, and visuals were incredibly dedicated to the first two terminator movies its awesome.

incredible arsenal of weapons, great enemy variety, cool settings. only thing i didnt like was the level design in the final third of the game since it got really messy.

awesome cosmic horror stuff, good gunplay, and some cool bosses marred by mostly flat level design and just alright movement. honestly if i were to describe this game in one word it would be "alright." it shows that the devs are somewhat competent but it really doesnt do a whole lot to play it over other retro fps games. only recommended to those who are dying to play a boomer shooter that they somehow havent played and those that enjoy cosmic horror.

short as hell campaign but the cathartic mess of bullets and explosions combined with the great dnb soundtrack has me tempted to go back and play the firefight gamemode some day

they done yassified the boomer shooter. fashion police squad (FPS) is a very fun, creative, and fresh take on the oh so very saturated genre that is the retro first-person shooter. similarly to doom eternal it has the player swapping weapons around a lot of the time in combat but not because of ammo economy but because some enemies can only be damaged by certain weapons. that combined with the belt whip ability to stun and grapple onto poles makes for some very engaging gameplay. the game also has a lot of variety throughout its playtime, never really losing steam across the different levels. also the boss fights arent half bad, they can get pretty good (especially the final boss)!

the only downside i have for the game is the movement. sometimes you slip off ledges, the air control feels a bit floaty, a decent amount of the time my jump didn't get registered during platforming because i was on the edge to make some very far jump (and there are quite a few long jumps in the game). there were a couple of lines of dialogue that i cringed at but i gotta give the game credit in embracing all of the puns it makes.

overall a pretty good game that any retro fps enjoyer should play. whether or not the premise of being a passionate fashionista law enforcer interests you, the game has a lot of love put into it which definitely enhanced my time with it. the devs care not only for the medium but also the genre that Fashion Police Squad falls into.

gonna put this off until its got more content to it but for three bucks im not gonna complain. its got some cool ideas and a great sense of style so ima keep my eye on it

why do aim trainer games exist when you can play light gun games

super simple stuff but very nicely paced. the level design albeit simple is paired very well with all of the enemies and their attacks. the encounter design is really good, extraneum is an example of a something done very simply but done very well. actually makes me want to give wolfenstein 3d another shot lol.

if you love bloody flesh, rusted metal, and the color red, then you should buy this game or try out the demo. also: top 5 revolvers in an fps.

if you love deus ex, system shock, e.y.e. divine cybermancy, tense gunfights, satisfying melee combat, e.y.e. divine cybermancy, cyberpunk fiction, immersive sims, and e.y.e. divine cybermancy then you HAVE to play the demo

i think i just played a student's first ever unity project. only good stuff is atmosphere and how surreal the artstyle is. i wouldnt really recommend it because i have no idea what im supposed to do and i felt like i was playing slenderman but with a very bad gun

the game's got a really great art style and music, gameplay is composed of good shooting and alright movement, and it's all very well-paced. awesome game to play over a weekend, also check out dirigo's other game syscrusher if you liked this one!


played it coop with a friend who had never played it before but it was still fun. we'd eventually split up to do our own thing which made a lot of levels much shorter than they usually are in singleplayer but it was fun to mess around and accidentally gib each other

a must play for resident evil fans. it's got all the hallmarks of classic survival horror RE games, mostly taking influence from RE4 and the first game, but it still manages to distinguish itself with its writing. nightmare of decay is well put together with excellent level design, tense combat, and polished enemy encounters that vary to keep it fresh through its very short run time. even with the obvious inspiration of resident evil, it can be enjoyed without being a resident evil afficionado.