this game did not deserve death.

i volunteered to QA test in a private beta and the game was pretty baller, excited to play the full release when i finish some other games first

so far i have spent 2.5 hours just trying to 100% the gungan city and its pretty baller. best part so far is that nostalgia cant even make me prefer the older games, this game feels so fucking nice to play that its my favorite lego game now

peak fps action and im too scared to see how much higher it can get once out of early access

30 levels of puzzles that ima just dip out on. really fun puzzles that require thought as well as creative use of the environments and items. ive done 19 levels and im not sure if i'll come back since i pretty much play like for 30 min and then leave the game alone for a month or two lol

why the fuck did i not play a ryu ga gotoku studios game until now this is awesome

i really wanted to get into this game with all of its sick ass guns and shit but i fucking HATE the level design so much.

honest to god i think i enjoyed this a lot more than i thought i would. in an odd way, it made me feel like a kid again. like if i was playing a video game for the first time. everything was so cryptic and archaic that it felt almost alien. but the world and a decent amount of the level design kept me engaged to explore until the end. the real downsides to kings field are the terrible framerate, how some rooms are just one texture, the combat is obtuse and janky, and some paths to progress are hidden behind hidden walls which makes me wonder how some people can play without a guide. i was able to make it to floor 3 without a guide but towards the end of the third floor i just really needed an annotated map to show me where to find something I may need. overall janky and clunky but also atmospheric and oddly captivating to an extent.

played the closed beta for like 5 hours and the servers would not let me and my friends in for 70% of the time lol. besides that the game is obviously not finished but looks promising with its premise. I just hope they make player readability better, gunplay more satisfying, and maps more interesting. as it was in that three day closed beta, the maps felt very empty and lifeless. compared to tarkov, they didn't feel like real abandoned places and felt more like the level designers blocking out the map (which is probably what it was since its again a closed beta). the gunplay felt good on occasion but it still felt unsatisfying with the recoil animations on some guns just looking a bit awkward to put it simply. i dont know what else to say, the game isnt even out yet or even close to coming out. if you like tarkov or want to be a space pirate/scavenger, follow the development of the game since its got a strong premise. im just waiting to see if they can pull it off.

played a bit of the demo and im pretty excited with whats to come. ultrakill is the first thing to think of when playing but the weapons are different enough to distinguish itself from the newblood title. if you like fps games, especially ultrakill, keep an eye on this one.

launched the game, blinked, and 4 hours had passed as i began my industrial invasion. this shit really is crack oh my god i love it

another wonderful desolate journey through dead kingdoms to kill god from fromsoftware. beautifully janky combat, strong level design, mischevious characters, all the things i love in fromsoft's soulsbornes. some bosses in this are piss easy but a decent amount of them are memorable because of their unique approaches.

played through the game Judgement on PS5 and wow i fucking love it. the chunkiness of the models, the saturated colors, the surreal alien planets and race tracks, its such a cool art style i want to see more.

dude i want to love this game so much but oh my god it LOVES to crash just about every time i want to shove a rabbit intestine into my body. i havent even gotten an hour of playtime yet because of these crashes lol

slow-mo shootouts, powerful as hell guns, and some banging dnb tunes. what else could you ask for?