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1 day

Last played

June 24, 2021

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A lovely jrpg that doesn't overstay its welcome. These types of games tend to drag on for a lot more than they should, but this game took me something like 36 hours. If anything the game might be a bit too short, I felt like certain aspects of the story were not fully resolved, but it was still quite decent. This is the most unique setting I've seen in a megaten game, and the cyberpunk-ish Amami City is such a great place to see and explore, even if you only see it through a map and the admittedly not state of the art 3d visuals. This is still originally a sega Saturn, ps1 release after all. The combat was fairly standard for a jrpg, especially as this game doesn't use the press turn system that gives other megaten games a more unique identity. This is slightly offset by the demons and their personalities. This game has a loyalty bar, and the lower it is, the more likely demons are to tell you to go fuck yourself if you give them orders. I even had a demon just leave my party at one point. This might have been a bigger issue if it wasn't for how easy the game was. I found that steamrolling through dungeons with just the protagonist and Nemissa, and maybe the zoma demon was easy as shit, and usually only took out other demons for boss fights.

The thing I noticed the most was that the soundtrack was a bit bland compared to smt 4, the other megaten that wasn't persona I've played. The only really memorable song for me was the opening, a massive earworm that will live rent free in my head until I die.