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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 4, 2021

Platforms Played


A very middling experience. There's nothing fundamentally broken, but I don't think I will remember anything about it in a month or so. The shootybangs were reasonably fun, though reloading and changing weapons takes maybe a bit too long. Some enemies are right bastards and I had to repeat one or two sections a couple of times, but besides the odd difficulty spikes I didn't have much trouble beating the game in normal. Story is pretty minimal, and predictable. The game tries to do comedy fairly often, but it never made me laugh. I've complained a lot, but like I said before the game has nothing irredeemable. I got it for very cheap on a bundle, its not a bad purchase at a big discount. The game does have co-op, which I did not try. It's most likely a much more fun experience with friends.